Welcome to Riverhawks Athletics!
At St. Helens Middle School we offer 3 sports seasons, Fall, Winter, and Spring. In the fall we offer volleyball, cross country, and tackle football. In the winter we offer boys and girls basketball, and wrestling. In the spring we offer track and swimming. You can find links to each of these sports on this page. Please click on the links for more information and schedules. Each sport link will be updated as we get closer to each season. All experience levels are welcome for all sports, even if you've never played before come on out and give any of the sports a try.
We are now using Family ID for all of our sports registration. Check the website regularly and links to the individual sports to get the dates for registration for each sport.
Please use this link to register: https://www.
Find the link to register on Family ID here.
Sports physicals are required for all sports for the 2024/2025 seasons. Link for physical form:
You asked for authentic Riverhawk swag!
Well, here it is!
You can choose from shirts, hoodies, hats and blankets!
The agreement keeps ALL dollars local !!
Paulson's prints them and ALL the money earned goes back into the athletic programs through the St. Helens Sports Boosters!
Please only purchase authentic Lions and Riverhawks gear from this site.
All money stays local!
None of the companies providing the gear you see in Walgreens and Walmart, or any other place, share any profits with our schools!
Go Lions!
Go Riverhawks!! st-helens.boosters/
Athletic Release Forms
SHMS would like to share the procedure for having a child ride home after an athletic contest with the parent of another player OR a person not listed as the parent or guardian of said child.
The parent wishing their child ride home with another parent must fill out and sign an Athlete Release Form giving permission to another party to bring the child home. This must be completed 24 hours ahead of game time for the purpose of processing the information and getting that information to the coaching staff. This can be done in person or online from the Athletics tab on the SHMS website. Please see or email the Athletic Secretary, LeAnne Naillon, for any help with the process.
For other questions contact:
Alan Holinbeck
Athletic Director