Welcome to the 2024 Volleyball Season.
Announcement; Sports Picture Day TBA.
- Volleyball is a Fall sport
- Registration for the 2024 season is currently open
- Physicals are required to participate so make sure you have an up-to-date sports physical on file in the office before the season begins.
- 8th Grade A team: Rachael Bennett
- 8th Grade B team: Rose Lee
- 7th Grade A team: Sydney Cave
- 7th Grade B team: Kelli Moung
- 7th Grade C team: Karee Steinhauser
Volleyball Gear
- Students will be issued a uniform top by the athletic department
- Students should provide gym shorts/spandex, knee pads, athletic shoes and a water bottle
M,T,Th,F 3:15 pm - 5:15 pm
7th at Lewis and Clark
8th at SHMS
***Study Hall Dates for Volleyball***
There are two days when a Study Hall will happen. It will be mandatory to attend the study halls to participate in the games.
September 18th ~ October 16th ~Mandatory. Every student-athlete volleyball player must attend these two study halls to participate in the game that day. These two dates are away game days where everyone must be accounted for. This does not include home school student-athletes.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Go Riverhawks!!